Short Introduction of OYM


Raymond Rizk - 12th January 2015

Letter to the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society 

Annex 2


Present Status of the MJO


The highest authority of the MJO lies in the annual Assembly that groups representatives of its various geographical “centers”. The assembly elects the MJO Chief Executive, names Secretary General for a 2-year period that can be renewed. The Secretary General appoints members of the General Secretariat to direct and control all MJO activities within its various geographical locations.


Geographical locations

Activities of the MJO are coordinated geographically from the following “centers”:

-          Beirut (Lebanon) that has 3 branches, one entrusted with spiritual and cultural activities and two dealing with medico-social activities.

-          Tripoli (Lebanon) that has 3 branches in Tripoli itself (two for spiritual/cultural and one for medico/social activities) and 17 branches in the Koura and surrounding regions (Minya, Samiriyye, Bichmizzine, Afsdik, Bterram, Barsa, Bsarma, Kosba, Deddeh, Amioun, Fih, Enfe, Chekka, Kfarhazir, Majdlaya, Afsik  and Kfaraaka). Runs a 50 persons conference Center.

-          Mount Lebanon that has 17 branches (Jdeideh, Bourj Hammoud, Sin el Fil, Dora, Mansourieh, Broummana, Nabay, Bsalim, Jounieh, Balloune, Aley/Bhamdoun and surrounding villages, Hadath, Btigrin, Kfarchima, Ain Dara, Wadi Chahrour and Nabaa) four of which have medico-social facilities and there is an employment center that covers all the region.

-          Batroun in Lebanon that has 17 branches (Batroun, Jbeil, Kfarhata, Kfarhilda, Kaftoun, Btaaboura, Douma, Wajh al Hajar, Hamat, Kobba, Al Rihaniya, Al Barbara, Gharzouz, Chikhane, Kfour Arbeh, Bziza and Mouncef) one of which has medico-social activities

-          Akkar in Lebanon that has 13 branches (Halba, Minyara, Tleil, Sharbila. TellAbbas, Rahbe, Al Hik, Al Humeira, Bazbina, Al Jdeide, Abdmoun, Shidra and Karm Asfour) with one with medico-social activities covering the region.

-          South Lebanon with social and cultural activities in 5 locations (Saida, Kfeir, Ain Al Hircheh, Ibl aa Saki and Deir Mimas).

-          Damascus in Syria that have one branch in the city itself and 12 in the surrounding cities/villages (Irbeen, Sahnaya, Jdeidet, Katana, Al Zabadani, Daraya, Deir Attiyeh, Maarat Seidnaya, Saydnaya, Maarounet, Maaloula) out of which at least 4 are out of reach because of the current events in Syria. MJO Damascus has a special program for deaf and mutes persons.

-          Aleppo in Syria with social and cultural activities. They have also built a conference center for about 150 persons in Jdeideh at 120 kms from Aleppo which is presently most likely heavily damaged as occupied by gunmen.

-          Lattakiah in Syria with 5 branches in the city and 26 in the surrounding cities/villages (Hallouz, Al Borj, Kinsaba, Al Kassab, Al Ghassaniya, Al Jdeidet, Jisr Al Choughour, Banias, As Soda, Matn as Sahel, Al Rowdat, Al Sherfet, Matn Badriyya, Saya, Borj Bloummana, Bachtar, Jdeidet Tartous, Doueir Taha, Al Roueisset, Al Blimke, Sain, Maquiah, Bdaira, Al Baydat and Al Finmar) out of which 8 are now out of reach because of the current events in Syria. Furthermore, MJO Lattakiah runs three Summer Camps premises in Kassab, Slenfe and Sain Al Gharbiyyat.

-          Tartous in Syria with one branch in the city itself.

-          Homs in Syria (in close cooperation with a local association) with 7 branches in the city itself and 11 in the surrounding villages (Kattine, Al Mouchrifat, Al Jabiriyya, Bado, Waridat, Kifram, Rabah, Al Mouranat, Al Doueir and Feyrouzet). But work in the region is presently greatly affected by the Syrian rebellion.

-          Hama in Syria (in close cooperation with a local association) with one branch in the city and 10 in the surrounding cities and villages

-          Kuwait City in Kuwait with 1 branch.

-          United Arab Emirates with 2 branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


In Summary, the MJO is active in 150 cities/villages (71 in Lebanon, 76 in Syria and 3 in the Gulf), and count about 4000 members who care benevolently of its various activities.


Major Activities


-          Spiritual:

·         Catechetical Sunday Schools for children from 4 to 12 years old, meeting weekly with summer camps and various recreational activities

·         Group weekly meetings for secondary schools students with prayers and discussion of spiritual and cultural topics and summer camps and yearly conventions grouping members from all MJO branches

·         Group weekly meetings for university students with prayers and discussion of spiritual and cultural topics and yearly conventions grouping members from all MJO branches and involvement in leadership of Sunday Schools and playing active role in social activities

·         Group weekly meetings for workers and families with prayers and discussion of spiritual and cultural topics and yearly conventions grouping members from all MJO branches and involvement in social activities


-          Cultural/International Relations:

·         Organizing Regular lectures opened to general public dealing with various social and cultural topics

·         Organizing Cines-Clubs

·         Running a Publishing House (so far over 400 books have been printed/about 30 new books/year)

·         Inter-Religions dialogue with other Christians and Moslems

·         Active within Syndesmos the world Fellowship of Orthodox Youth Movements, of which the MJO is one of the founder

·         Participates to ecumenical conference and meetings on the local/regional and world levels

·         Running a Research Center dealing with various issues

·         Publishing a monthly magazine called An Nour


·         Running 5 Centers (Medico-Social Centers) in Lebanon (Beirut, Tripoli and Mount Lebanon) open to help needy people irrespective of nationality and religion

·         Involvement of MJO members in the activities of these Centers

·         Free Medical services by competent doctors in the centers for various disciplines including cardiology, pediatrics, endocrinology, urology, dermatology, ORL, pediatric, gynecologist, ophthalmology, gastric, orthopedic, psychiatric, physiotherapy, general medicine and dietetics.

·         Special arrangements with Hospitals for surgery and difficult cases

·         Supply all kinds of medicines, specially for chronic diseases

·         Laboratory Exams

·         First Aid Services



Health Care

·         Organizing regular seminars and meetings for house wives on various educational, cultural, spiritual and social issues

·         Encouraging women to work manually and help them to sell what they produce

·         Regular follow-up, counseling by experienced social workers of all who come (and their families) to the Centers for help and guidance

·         Special care (in Syria) for the deaf and mutes

Urgent Special Needs

·         Attending to urgent special needs (presently Syrian displaced persons in Syria and in Lebanon)

Employment Office

Scholarship Programs

·         Helping families to pay their children schooling fees (over 400 students a year)

Third Age Programs

·         Providing food and support to elderly people several times a week (over 350 elderly people in Lebanon)

Recreational activities

·         Summer Camps (for over 3000 participants in Lebanon and Syria)

·         Special events during major religious festivals



Source of Funds

·         Monthly and special ad-hoc contributions of the MJO members

·         Returns from Special Events (musical concerts, dinners, movies, etc)

·         Special donations in cash or by means of supplies (food to needy people or otherwise)

·         Occasional help from the Orthodox Church, few Government institutions and other local and international organizations.

Disbursements on Major Social Activities in 2014 

Medico-Social Centers:    $330,000/year 

Scholarship Programs:     $170,000/year 

Third Age Programs:$        50,000/year 

Summer Camps and Special Events:$110,000/year 

Help to Syrian displaced persons/refugees: $120,000/year

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